Let’s take a look at each stage
at +/- 4 months
- Start solids feed after milk feed until six months
- Start with breakfast: feed 2 – 3 tsp of rice cereal, jungle oats, Maltabella, tasty wheat etc., with expressed milk or formula.
- Increase the number of teaspoons as needed
- AFTER 1-2 WEEKS: Start cereal at 5 pm before the last bottle
- AFTER 2 WEEKS: Introduce vegetables at lunch, one single variety vegetable for 2 -3 days to rule out any allergic reactions.
At +/- 5 months
- Start fruit with morning cereal
- Introduce full cream unsweetened Greek yoghurt
- No citrus or strawberries
- Please stay away from bananas as they cause constipation
- Start introducing allergens (have a syrup antihistamine on standby)
at 6 months
- Waking-up: Bottle of milk (200ml max)
- Breakfast: Cereal and fruit/yoghurt
- Morning Snack: Bottle of milk (100ml max)
- Lunch: Vegetables, protein and ½ block of Kiri cheese
- Afternoon Snack: Bottle of milk (100ml max)
- Dinner: Vegetables, fruit and some protein
- Bedtime: Bottle of milk (200ml max)
at 7-8 months
- Add finger foods, cooked pasta, pawpaw, toast fingers, banana, sausage
at 10 months
- Add our Kiddies Tastes and normal food
Our baby food chart can be printed and posted on your fridge for easy reference. Following our baby food chart makes it easier to understand what to introduce when but will assist in making sure you are introducing the correct food ingredients at the right time. Please contact your paediatric nursing sister for additional support and information. Good Luck!