We believe that if we feed our baby the best baby food, everything will be perfect and plain sailing. Sadly, this is not the case, and at some stage of your baby’s solids journey, your baby may choose not to eat, spit out or gag when being fed, have a full-on tantrum or plainly refuse to open her mouth. This is normal and part of your baby’s journey.
- Play games, make her laugh – once her mouth is open, move quickly to fill it with a spoonful of food.
- Give your baby a toy/ spoon to play with – this will distract her so that you can hopefully get a spoonful into her mouth.
- Mix the fruit in with the meat/vegetables – babies often prefer sweeter foods.
- If she is gagging, check the consistency of the food and maybe add 1 tsp of water – DO NOT PUREE. Babies are very quick to manipulate!
- From 8–9 months, when they want to feed themselves, entice them with a range of different coloured finger foods on their plate.
- Praise your child to eat a range of foods rather than focus on quantity.
- The more stressed out you become, the more your baby will dig her heels in – if you have a grandparent, nanny, friend or even sibling who can assist, let them give it a go.
Feeding your baby the best baby food will not give you any guarantees; however, our range of baby food will definitely go a long way to ease the pressure you may feel when your baby is just not a team player!